A pathway in the jungle with trees all around with the sun goin down

CHN Resources

The following documents may be requested by individuals or organizations that are concerned about the archaic and chaotic healthcare delivery systems now teetering on insolvency in countries worldwide. Solutions to many pervasive financial and quality of care/life issues are described in the extensive Intellectual Property available from Conscious Health Network, LLC / CHN. Due diligence done by prominent CHN team members and investors offers substantiation of the viability and rational of the CHN models (and tenets) so richly detailed in the CHN/CCS/I-WELL Documentation Libraries. Please inquire.

  • CCS Engineering and Economics of Eldercare (EEE Full text)
  • Conscious Care Systems Overview
  • CCS Team-Who We Are
  • A Day in the Life of…Me
  • What CCS Provides
  • CCS Action Plan I
  • CCS Action Plan II (Summary)
  • CCS Action Plan Narratives
  • CCS Business Plans I & II
  • CCS Executive Summaries I & II
  • CCS Financials I-V
  • CCS Financial Narrative
  • CCS Letter from the President
  • CCS Consulting / Introductory Services PPT
  • CCS Consulting Brochure
  • CCS Training and Empowerment
  • CCS Strategies & Objectives
  • CCS Benefits – Residents, Administration, Personnel, Districts
  • Assisted Living - Promise vs. Performance
  • Gender and Culture in LTC
  • CCS Life Enrichment System
  • CCS Implementation Models (I-WELL & all LTSS Tiers)
  • CCS Facility Evaluation and Recommendation White Paper
  • CCS Quality of Life Programs
  • CCS Market Segments (I-X)
  • CCS Competition
  • CCS Wellness Programs (I-V)
  • CCS Program Protocols (by day/week)
  • CCS Program Protocols Expanded (I-IV)
  • CCS Profile of Services I & II
  • CCS Implementation Protocols I & II
  • MDS/RAI, OASIS and CCS (Federal Assessments/Metrics)
  • CCS & I-WELL Analytics / Metric Protocols (I-V)
  • LTSS Documentation Modernization
  • CCS Matrix / Quality-of-Life Documentation
  • CCS Consulting Templates (I-IV)
  • CCS Interactive Multi-Media Guides I & II
  • Why CCS?

"CHN-Certified" A designation of CHN-Certified will conclusively guarantee that an intergenerational or elder living Conscious Community is operating at the highest practicable levels for the benefit of all, and is doing so in the most cost effective way possible.

Conscious Health Network, LLC, (CHN)

Conscious Health Network, LLC-NY – (Divisions: Conscious Care Systems / CCS and Integrative Wellness & Lifestyle Systems / I-WELL). CCS is focused on advancing its long-term services and supports / LTSS agenda while rolling out the I-WELL division of CHN in many intergenerational venues: including LTSS.
I-WELL Resource list:

I-WELL (Integrative Wellness & Lifestyle System)

  • Conscious Health Network / CHN PPT
  • I-WELL / Integrative Wellness & Lifestyle PPT
  • Conscious Health Network Summary
  • CHN Team-Who We Are
  • CHN Global Initiative / It Takes a Village
  • CHN “It Takes a Village” Models (I-VI)
  • CHN "Conscious Community" Architectural Rendering
  • CHN/I-WELL/CCS – The Big Picture (It Really Does Take a Village)
  • CHN / I-WELL Certified Services (I-V) (Medicare&Medicaid Mandates)
  • CHN Technology Requirements and Infrastructure
  • CHN Technology Alliances
  • CHN & Telehealth I-IV
  • CHN AI & Robotics
  • CHN Software Libraries (Management / Wellness / Prevention / Lifestyle)
  • CHN Integrative Medicine / IM Collaborations & Bundled Services
  • CHN Intergenerational Holistic Protocols
  • First Nations Canada & CHN/CCS
  • Cannabis, Conscious Caregiving & Certification (Regulatory proposal)
  • I-WELL "Spa-at-Home" Programs
  • I-WELL Body / Mind / Spirit Programs and Services
  • “Spirit in the Workplace” / Personal Fulfillment Programming CHN
  • Incentive Programs (Extensive & High-Value)
  • CHN Wellness and Prevention Proposals I-V
  • CHN Home and Community-Based Care
  • CHN In-Home Care & Companion Services Models
  • CHN Home Care Services for High Functioning Individuals
  • CHN Independent Living Protocols
  • CHN Family Caregiver Supports
  • CHN Outreach Protocols (B2B, B2C & Educational K-College)
  • CHN Adopt-a-Neighbor / Community Outreach Programs
  • CHN Adopt-an-Elder / Adopt-A-Youth / Adult Day Services