A group of native american feathers hanging on the wall.

Letter from CHN President

Letter From President Logo

Conscious Health Network (CHN) Back to the Future Tribe

Greetings Friends,

I am Marie Eisele, President and Founder of Conscious Health Network, LLC (CHN). CHN includes two divisions, Conscious Care Systems / CCS and I-WELL / Integrative Wellness & Lifestyle Systems. CCS is dedicated to reforming the long-term care (LTC) system and to bringing real culture change to retirement communities, nursing facilities, and homecare sectors, and was the original founding company. CHN was subsequently incorporated to accommodate the dual objectives of Long-term Services & Supports (LTSS) transformation and to mainstreaming Integrative Medicine / IM.

Integrative Wellness & Lifestyle The I-WELL division of CHN will deliver many progressive services and IM modalities to CCS through its I-WELL Life Enrichment programs. These I-WELL Certified services will be offered at designated LTSS healthcare facilities, medical centers and homecare agencies, in addition to, Wellness Resorts and Spas, workplaces, educational venues, etc., and in homes and neighborhood communities as well. CHN will also customize Lifestyle Integration programs for individuals and families that will include Integrative Body/Mind/Spirit and Spa-at-Home modalities.

Evolve-Document-Scale Please note that many of the documents provided in this website reflect the rationale and immediate scope of the CHN/CCS action plan for swift and evolutionary reformation of LTSS, with considerable implications for healthcare & wellness industries overall, as referenced in I-WELL documentation herein. CCS and I-WELL will work in-tandem to establish, and scale, leading-edge protocols for their synergistic objectives.

Care-Cost-Community CHN's CCS division is designed to significantly reduce the costs of long-term care while enhancing the life experience and wellness of every person, including caregivers, and supports a holistic orientation to care delivery. The Company also intends to implement its “Intergenerational Neighborhood Outreach” protocols in local municipalities, as well as LTC setings, in concert with the I-WELL division. These “It Takes a Village” programs are important to the ambitious goals of improved care and lifestyle to individuals, and to a fully-funded and community-supported system of care that will significantly impact federal, state and local payors. Much of the CHN action plan is related to achieving an expeditious roll-out of our core, AI-supported, Management, Wellness, Prevention & Lifestyle programs and services. CHN Certification status is achieved by compliance with rigorous CHN analytics, and with federal metrics where applicable.

Global Tipping Point CCS provides answers to many of the dilemmas inherent in LTSS, in healthcare generally, and ultimately, to aspects of the even more pressing entitlements issues soon to become glaring, and potentially devastating, both socially and fiscally. Current economic crises add enormous pressure to the continuing meltdown of healthcare services, especially LTSS, that has already caused serious consequences, and now threatens to further undermine our care-delivery infrastructure. The current 18+% of GDP spent on healthcare in the U.S. is expected to steadily rise, as is true worldwide. Unsustainable healthcare costs continue to balloon even in countries with socialized medicine, and the global “Boomer Tsunami” is making landfall as we speak.

Time-Transformation-Technology Yet in crisis there is often real opportunity to foster change. Now is the time for new and better systems that will be win-win in terms of expenditures, efficacy, and truly compassionate care. CHN's wellness and social models are designed to provide the maximum quality and productive lifestyles to individuals throughout their waking hours “ across the care continuum.

Concierge Care Fully-Funded Implementation of the CHN/CCS models for all tiers of care-delivery, in any locale, will be integral to reducing costs while providing concierge care and establishing many new revenue streams. CHN/CCS has created and continues to develop its module-oriented Management, Wellness, Prevention & Lifestyle software libraries that are formated to dovetail with any software vendor product in the LTSS space as well as other healthcare sectors. CCS will maximize the systemic use of AI-enabled TeleHealth in all facets of company endeavors, including system/protocol deployment, documentation and

Pioneering Design: Top Team CCS is fortunate to have a management team that is made up of prominent individuals in their fields, as well as several celebrities who will serve as spokespersons and educators. The caliber, dedication and diversity of our team will enable CHN to meet the milestones and projections of its multi-year Action Plans. In addition, I have written a book entitled: “Conscious Care Systems: Long-term Care as it Must Be”, which is a blueprint for creating sustainable, village-like models, and for revolutionizing LTSS. The book will be published alongside the roll-out of the Company.

A new day and better tomorrow await as we navigate this transition. We ask for
favorable currents along the way!


Marie Eisele

Excerpt“Aging for Dummies: Elder or Elderly? Today's Choices are Tomorrow's Reality”

“The losing of one's physical and mental powers need not be perceived as a tragic journey ending in a tragic passing. In time everything falls away as we move closer to the proverbial light.

If we can accept that this decline is natural, and if we are able to see death as the final reprieve and even as an ultimate merging with Consciousness/Spirit/God “ whatever our conception may be – then we can begin to release our greatest trepidations. As our outward attributes are diminished, we may go deeper within “ to our wellspring of love, faith, and inner strength.

Freedom from physical pain and comforting, evocative living environments filled with enriching experiences, will enable our elders, and in time ourselves, to age in joy, security, and in many traditions, the glorious embrace of God, Source, Creator, the Great Spirit of all that is, to realize at last our own true selves.”