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About Us

Transforming Care Deliveryand Cultivating Societal Advancement

Who We Are

Conscious Health Network, LLC (CHN) was born from a deep commitment to revolutionize healthcare delivery and to effect significant cultural change within long-term care (LTC) and retirement communities, as well as Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) sectors. Reformation of long-term services and supports (LTSS) is crucial to all civil societies and the dire need for such is universally understood.  Transforming these increasingly essential LTC services will have far-reaching implications for the healthcare and wellness sectors as a whole and must include significant reductions in expenditures.

CHN programs and services are key to providing greatly improved care and lifestyle while laying the foundation for a fully-funded and community-supported system that will resonate with federal, state, and local stakeholders.

Conscious Health Network represents a response to the many intransigent difficulties now plaguing healthcare generally, and LTSS specifically, and anticipates the imminent challenges of entitlements. These escalating concerns underscore the urgency of our mission. With healthcare expenses projected to rise worldwide, even within socialized systems, CHN’s future-forward, technology-rich model promises change to believe in.

As efficient catalysts for radical change, advanced technologies are a bedrock of CHN’s pioneering new infrastructure. From embracing telehealth across operations to developing comprehensive management, wellness, prevention, and lifestyle software libraries, CHN will reshape the way care is delivered, documented, and evaluated. 

CHN is fortunate to have a management team that is made up of prominent individuals in their fields as well as several celebrities who will serve as spokespersons and educators. The caliber, dedication and diversity of our team will enable CHN to meet the milestones and projections of its multi-year Action Plan.

In addition, Founder, Marie Eisele has written a book entitled: “Conscious Care Systems – Long-term Care as it Must Be,” which is a blueprint for creating sustainable, village-like models, and for reforming long-term services & supports (LTSS) sectors. The book will be published alongside the rollout of the Company.

Our Mission Statement

CHN-Certified Conscious Health Network is dedicated to providing comprehensive programs and services designed to ensure optimal wellness and lifestyles for clients, support and empowerment for caregivers, and financial sustainability for providers.

Our Vision Statement

To establish sustainable wellness systems for “7 Generations”

The Seventh Generation Principle is an Indigenous Concept, to think of the 7th generation coming after you in your words, work and actions, and to remember the seventh generation who came before you.

Marie Eisele, President & Managing Member Conscious Health Network, LLC

Divisions: CCS/Conscious Care Systems & I-WELL/Integrative Wellness & Lifestyle System

Marie Eisele is an energetic reformer in the healthcare industry and the guiding force behind Conscious Health Network / CHN.  CHN has its emphasis on the development of village-like models in all residential settings, with a focus on wellnessprevention and Long-term Services & Supports / LTSS.

Dedicated to transforming the western paradigm of healthcare, i.e.,“sickcare,” Ms. Eisele founded CHN to be an instrument of the bold and innovative change she champions, to be executed through a comprehensive and rigorously designed plan of action. She is motivated by the conviction that healthcare delivery, including Long-term Care / LTC, can be vastly improved and much less costly.

Marie has written a soon-to-be published book, “Conscious Care Systems: Long-Term Care as it Must Be” which provides an honest assessment of the LTC industry and offers a compelling vision of “Doable Humanism” that encompasses wellness, life enrichment, and Conscious Carefor all.

CHN has purposely oriented its protocols and outcomes to certain criteria and metrics used by LTSS sectors (Skilled Nursing Facilities, Home Health Agencies & Hospice), i.e., the assessment and regulatory instruments: MDS/RAI & OASIS. CHN’s orientation to federal metrics extends to CHN-associated software companies and to state and federal agencies which regulate and reimburse based on data provided through these complex - yet valuable tools.

In addition, CHN’s strong support of local culture will be important to developing effective, economic, and sustainable models for the future. From creating, developing, and supporting cottage industries to investing in the transformation of marginalized communities, CHN will provide not only certifications for the optimization of Care Delivery and Life Enrichment but will garner support from various sectors to achieve stability and environmental security for urban and rural communities, and their diverse residents.

Peter J. llig

Peter J. Illig, JD.LLMVice President of Financial & Legal AffairsConscious Health Network, LLC

Peter J. Illig, J.D. has led the transformation of mission-driven organizations spanning the U.S., E.U., and Middle East over the past three decades. Between 2004-2016 he directed CSR and ESG initiatives in residence in the global political and economic hub of Geneva, Switzerland - initiatives that continue to exert influence in many trans-national corridors.

Mr. Illig applies a unique blend of management, legal, and communication skills, delivering strategic outcomes that ensure long-term sustainability and results across the public, private, and nonprofit sectors.  As a highly valued consultant, Mr. Illig’s specialized services have assisted organizations such as the: World Bank, United Nations, World Health Organization, Asian Development Bank, and many more.  Peter’s long-held commitment to the tenets of international human rights and the UN Sustainable Development Goals / SDGs, reflects his lifelongmission-drivencareer choices, that include: 

  • National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) Moving Forward Coalition
  • NASEM * Environmental Health Roundtable
  • Advancing Excellence in Long-Term Care Collaborative, Board Member
  • International Society of Doctors for the Environment (IDSE), Executive Director
  • Maryland Regional Direct Services Collaborative, Committee Member
  • National Eagle Scout Association

General Counsel and Director of External Relations for World Scouting. The World Scouting organization boasts over 50 million members and exercises a powerful youth development influence in over 200 countries and territories. Mr. Illig was responsible for governance, compliance, and risk management, and led the implementation of a $40 million initiative focused on interreligious and intercultural dialogue that established partnerships with the UN, WHO, and other international organizations, resulting in 1 billion hours of service in support of the SDGs

Serving as Human Rights Lawyer & Director of Development with the Global Ministry of the Franciscan Order, Peter restructured operations, doubled annual funding, reduced overhead by 50%, increased the donor base, and created new programs related to climate, and protection of older persons. He created and ran the foundation of US Fortune 100 med-tech leader, Stryker, Inc. (Stryker Osteosynthesis), where he resolved complex compliance matters, achieved marketing objectives, established alliances with national healthcare institutions, and established the Swiss Office of the US medical charity Operation Smile.

As former CEO and General Counsel to the National Certification Council for Activity Professionals / NCCAP, Mr. Illig succeeded in standardizing certification curriculum to improve the quality-of-life and care for the recipients of Long-term Services and Supports / LTSS.  He holds an advanced Master of Laws / LLM degree from the University of Notre Dame London Law Program, a Juris Doctor / JD degree from NY State University, Buffalo School of Law, and is admitted to practice in New York. linkedin.com/in/peterillig/  

* Global Environmental Health in the 21st Century:  From Governmental Regulation to Corporate  Social Responsibility National Academies Press    https://doi.org/10.17226/11833

(NASEM Consultant, Association Internationale pour l’ Ostéosynthèse Dynamique, Trauma Care Institute, Nice, France)

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