“Back to the Future Tribe”

Community models for a new generation of high-tech healthcare services to greatly improve quality-of-life and reduce expenditures

“Back to the Future Tribe”

Community models for a new generation of high-tech healthcare services to greatly improve quality-of-life and reduce expenditures

Conscious Communities/It Takes a Village

I-WELL/ Integrative
Wellness & Lifestyle

Conscious Care Systems/
CCS & Long-term Care

AI/ IoT/
Robotics in Healthcare


Our Services

CHN-Certified services deliver and codify medical, institutional, and cultural advancements in care delivery, and provide resolution of related fiscal, regulatory, and staffing issues.

CHN Business Hubs/
Funding Streams

Sustainable capital solutions connect clients to a diverse range of funding streams through CHN Business Hubs

LTSS Consulting &

Navigating the complexities of LTSS to capitalize on current and future projections and opportunities.

CHN Advanced Technologies/
E-Health/ Telemedicine

Exclusive telemechanic and telehealth solutions for diverse healthcare sectors

CHN Incentives /
Supports / Empowerment

Incentives and supports are essential to an empowered & upwardly mobile workforce

Bringing Light to Health and Wellness


Thank you for your interest in Conscious Health Network, LLC (CHN), a revolutionary new company whose bold mission is to help catalyze a cultural paradigm shift in healthcare delivery. Cultural and economic indicators are sounding alarms nationally and globally. Healthcare costs are weakening economies worldwide, and our own system is perhaps the most broken, exorbitant, and at risk of all the developed countries – with the "boomer tsunami" already upon us.

The creation of CCS is a response to this crisis. Only truly divergent solutions hold promise in these seemingly insurmountable conditions. The success of Conscious Health Network will result in both a superior level of care and fiscal reformation of the failing economic structure that dominates the current care delivery systems.


Mission Statement

CHN-Certified Conscious Health Network is dedicated to providing comprehensive programs and services designed to ensure optimal wellness and lifestyles for clients, support and empowerment for caregivers, and financial sustainability for providers.


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